General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of GA3-exporter

1. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contracts concluded between GA3-exporter, represented by 9 friendly white rabbits UG (haftungsb.) (Wöhlertstr. 4, 10115 Berlin, Germany,, represented by Thomas Handorf) and the users (hereinafter "Customers") for the use of the online service for creating and downloading reports on historical Google Analytics data.

2. Subject of the Contract

9 friendly white rabbits UG provides the online service GA3-exporter that allows the customer to create and download an individual report on historical Google Analytics data for a fee.

3. General Product Properties

  1. GA3-exporter provides downloadable PDF and Excel reports based on the data provided by Google Inc. through the Google Analytics Reporting API v4 for the Google Analytics View determined by the user
  2. Excel data is provided as a zip file containing multiple excel files.
  3. The reports provide for certain dimensions and metrics that are available in pre-aggregated way in Google Analytics the full available history. For more specific reports with combinations of dimensions this is limited to the data with the data retention period definied the the Google Analyitcs Property.
  4. Data exports have been pre-defined by 9 friendly white rabbits and are of monthly or yearly granularity. The reports provided and the data exported can be evaluated based on sample data through downloadable example reports provided on the GA3-exporter homepage.
  5. The content of the reports may differ depending on the data in the user selected Google Analytics View, in particular with respect to E-commerce, Goal and Event data.
  6. As a limitation of the Google API data may be sampled which may lead to inaccuracy for rare events in particular on Google Analytics Views with a large amount of data.
  7. As a limitation GA3-exporter will download a maximum amount of 1.000.000 rows per report. The effect is similar as the above sampling in that only a sample of the available data is returned by the Google API. This may only happen in case of an execessive number of different events or page paths.

4. Prices and Payment Terms

  1. The prices for the service are stated on the GA3-exporter website and during checkout. All prices are excluding statutory value-added tax which depends on the customers country and will be calculated during checkout if applicable.
  2. 9 friendly white rabbits reserves the right to change prices at any time. The current prices in effect at the time of contract conclusion apply.
  3. Payment is made through the payment methods supported, including Credit Card (Mastercard, VISA, American Express) and PayPal (non-EU only).
  4. Payment is due immediately. The customer is obliged to pay the owed amount without delay.

5. Money-Back Guarantee

  1. Until 14.6.24 we offered a Money Back Guarantee for a specified duration after the purchase, as detailed on our homepage at the time of your purchase.
  2. To request a refund under the Guarantee, please contact us at
  3. Upon your request, we may ask for your feedback or reasons for dissatisfaction with the product. We may also offer to improve the product to meet your needs. Please note: Your feedback or decision to let us improve the product will not affect your eligibility for the Guarantee.
  4. Upon receiving a refund, you must delete all data and reports downloaded from GA3-exporter. Failure to comply may result in us reclaiming the full amount paid for the package.
  5. The Guarantee applies to only one package per customer. Refunds for additional packages are at our discretion to prevent misuse of the Guarantee. We reserve the right to suspend customers from the platform if we detect misuse.

6. Rewards Program

  1. The GA3-exporter Rewards Program ("Program") is managed exclusively by GA3-exporter ("we," "us"). It rewards you for referring GA3-exporter to new users based on unique reward discount codes.
  2. Payouts under the Program are processed exclusively via PayPal, once a month, with a 2-month retention period to account for potential chargebacks. In the event of a payout failure, we will attempt to contact you at the email address linked to your Program account. If, for any reason, we cannot reach you or resolve the payout issue within 90 days, your rewards will be voided. This includes, but is not limited to, situations such as PayPal restrictions or legal restrictions on payouts to certain countries.
  3. Rewards are bound to the usage of the participants specific reward code by users. So users must use this code in order for the participant to be rewarded. Note, only one discount code can be applied to an order. Raward codes can be used additionally to homepage offers/discounts, though.
  4. Rewards are calculated based on a percentage of the net price, being the price paid by the user after all discounts and excluding any sales tax, in USD or EUR. The payout will be made in EUR, irrespective of the original transaction currency. All payment-related fees, including potential currency conversion fees, are the responsibility of the user.
  5. We reserve the right to terminate or modify the Program at our discretion, providing a minimum of one week's notice. Any such changes will be communicated to you via the email associated with your Program account.
  6. The minimum payout under the Program is €10. If a participant's reward balance is below the minimum payout amount, the balance will be carried forward to subsequent months. However, if the cumulative balance never reaches the minimum payout threshold, GA3-exporter is not obligated to pay out the amount to the participant.
  7. Rewards cannot be earned on your own purchases. Rewards will not be payed for charged back or disputed purchases.
  8. Should you wish to withdraw from the Program, you may do so by contacting our support team at
  9. To the fullest extent permissible by law, GA3-exporter is not liable for any damages or losses arising out of or in connection with your participation in the Program, including but not limited to, damages or losses related to your use of PayPal, receipt of rewards, or any changes to or termination of the Program.
  10. Participation in the Program constitutes your full agreement to these terms and conditions.

7. Refund Guarantee

  1. We will export properties on best-effort basis. If an export of a property fails, we will refund 100% of the price for that property.
  2. The refund will not be paid if the booking was used for another property that didn't fail.
  3. If the export was part of an angency package with 10 properties, we will refund 1/10th of the package price for each failed property unless these bookings where used for other successful exports.
  4. If one view of a property successfully exported, the property counts as a successful export.
  5. If a property fails within an Agency package, 1/10 of the Package is refunded. We will however not refund more than that the remaining amount is smaller than which the single packages for all successful reports on the Agency package would have costed. Also, we do not refund unused slots of an Agency package as unused slots are part of the deal in a bundle purchase.
  6. To request a refund under the Guarantee, please contact us at We will try to offer a refund link for each failed property in order to automate this process. This depends on our dev resources during this phase.
  7. Refund requests have to be made within 30 days from purchase.
  8. Upon receiving a refund, you must delete all data and reports downloaded from GA3-exporter for that property. Failure to comply may result in us reclaiming the full amount paid for the property.

8. Conclusion of Contract

  1. The contract is concluded by checking the accept terms check box and clicking on the buy button in the checkout process.
  2. The customer submits a binding offer to conclude a contract by successfully completing the ordering process and clicking the "Buy" button or a corresponding button.
  3. 9 friendly white rabbits will promptly confirm the conclusion of the contract by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the customer.

9. Rights of Use

  1. The customer acquires the non-exclusive, unlimited in time and space right to use the downloaded reports for their own purposes and within the scope of what is legally permissible.
  2. The customer is entitled to reproduce, distribute, make publicly available, or otherwise use the reports, provided that this does not violate applicable law.
  3. The customer confirms that he has the permission of the owner of the exported Google Analytics View to access and export the data.

10. Disclaimer and Warranty

  1. 9 friendly white rabbits is only liable for intent and gross negligence, to the extent permitted by law. Liability for damages caused by slight negligence is excluded, unless they result from injury to life, body, or health, or from the violation of an essential contractual obligation (cardinal duty). In the event of a breach of an essential contractual obligation, 9 friendly white rabbits's liability is limited to the foreseeable damage typical of the contract.
  2. 9 friendly white rabbits does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information and data provided in the downloaded reports. The use of the reports is at the customer's own risk.
  3. 9 friendly white rabbits does not warrant the applicability to any specific use case.
  4. 9 friendly white rabbits is not liable for technical malfunctions or failures of the online service that are outside the sphere of influence of 9 friendly white rabbits.

11. Right of Withdrawal

As the service provided by 9 friendly white rabbits is rendered immediately after the conclusion of the contract and tailored to the customer's individual needs, there is no statutory right of withdrawal.

12. Changes to the GTC

  1. 9 friendly white rabbits reserves the right to change these GTC at any time and without giving reasons. The amended GTC and conditions will be sent to the customer by e-mail at least two weeks before they come into effect.
  2. If the customer does not object to the applicability of the amended GTC within two weeks of receiving the e-mail, the amended GTC will be deemed accepted.

13. Final Provisions

  1. If any provision of these GTC is or becomes invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.
  2. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to contracts between 9 friendly white rabbits and the customer, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. For consumers, this choice of law only applies insofar as the protection granted by mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has their habitual residence is not withdrawn.
  3. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between the customer and 9 friendly white rabbits is the registered office of 9 friendly white rabbits, provided that the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law, or a special fund under public law.

Date: 14.6.2024